martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

My magic box

My favorite thing is a box I have where I can find everything I need to create hand-made presents, baby toys, etc.

I created this box by gathering throug time pieces of clothing, beautiful papers, pencils of different colors, many threads and other tools to make my ideas.

I use it when I have a lot of time (when I have any homework or job) I design molds of animals and things "kawaii" I love create key-rings and also make new clothes.

I like my box because I created it with things that people give me or I find or buy. 

If my box of hand-made dissapear or destroy I will feel so sad and boring because this box is my hobbie and part of my life.

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

This are my thougths

What is my opinion about recycling?
I consider that recycling is a very effective measure to mitigate the impact that our rubbish has on our world, since essentially it is based on the assignment of a function to a material that was destined to another.

What is my opinion about climate change?
I believe that governments should take the measure recommend to mitigate their effects. Climate change is becoming more evident are melting and sea levels increases. We have also been to show that the seasons have been delayed and their effect are unpredictable.

What is my opinion about violence on television?
I think that television contributes to a great extent to the emission of information, but there is often exposure of violent events that cause fear and insecurity to the population, events that affect socialization over time.

What is my opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
Personally, I enjoy soap operas because they project common and often 
controversial situations, and I can enjoy them as long as the subject has been
treated in a good and is well directed.

What is my opinion about women in the military?
I think that the incorporation of women into the army is relevant because they can contribute to the defense of the country in the same way than men, women can be in all positions because gender is intrinsic and it is not limiting.

martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

This is My Life!

Hello People! In my first post I want to briefly write about my life.

My name is Luna Sougarret I was born in Santiago, Chile on 29th of May in 1995. I lived in Punta Arenas when I was studying my elementary school and after finishing I came back to Santiago where I finished my studies at Liceo Nª7 de Niñas de Providencia. This year I began studying Veterinary Medicine in University of Chile.

Currently I live on my own in a house of Patronato together with my beautiful kitten named Mariana, the rest of my family lives in Pirque. I have a mother, father and four siblins. Also I have a boyfriend his name is Joshua and we have been together for five years I know him in volleyball when I was training.

I like to do lot of things, my hobbie is handicrafts and my favorite sport is volleyball I trained in Estadio Italiano when I was in High School.