martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

The events Of My Life

This was my grade when I study in the college. I was with a ball because I trainig voley

--> This is a photo when I was born in Hospital San José, in this picture I have blue clothes because my mommy was believe I was a men jajaja

In the year 2013 I finished my studies and this photograph is in the moment on my graduation We are only womans in the photo because my school accept only girls.

I with my boyfriend travel to the beach
and share a great moment together. In the picture we are on the stones
where the sea arrive and someone can found clams, cab and other seanimals.
In this photo I am with my little brothers for celebrate the new year in the house of my uncle. We don't celebrate christmas but take the photography next to iconic tree.
I remember this day because with my friends Valeria and Kika met for prepare sushi before the school and in this moment I learn make sushi
This is a remember for my 21º birthday where I am with my bests friends they named Francisca, Valeria and Amalia, also appear a hand because my brother was in there with my family.