sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

German Shorthaired Pointer

According to my results, my favorite dog breed's name is German Shorthaired Pointer

Activity 1.- Vocabulary

-Jogger (trotador): who runs at slow pace
-Breed (raza): phenotype shared by individuals of the same species
-To hunt (cazar): kill for sport or food
-Watchdog (perro guardián): refers to a dog that keeps watch around something
-Grooming (asear): action of washing and removing dirt from the body
1.Tiny (pequeño): very small
2.Sprinter (velocista): a runner can be a fast dog or any other animal
3.Couch Potato (vago, flojo): sedentary animal or lazy
4.Trainable (amaestrable): capable of being trained
5.Friendliness (simpático, amable): pleasant and funny behavior

Activity 2.-

Show 1: "My Cat From Hell" I like seeing this tv show I can understand the behaviour of my cats and also of the others cats. The trainer make a excellent work in the same form than the lovely of dogs.

Show 2: "Pitbull and Parolees" I admire the labor the persons of Villalobos Rescue Center do it, they give to pitbulls the opportunity of get a home, also I like that work because they promote a new image about the pitbulls because the people think those dogs are dangerous

Show 3: "Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet" I see this TV show because I can learn about of my future profession, and I would like to be like him when I finish my studies on university.

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